Beginner - Lesson 3 - Learn Hiragana Lesson
By Learn Japanese Admin - 03/01/2025
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Here is a Learn Japanese video to help you learn.
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Learn Hiragana |
Have a look at the chart below on Hiragana and try to memorise this as you will need it later on.
Tips on how to pronounce the Hiragana Characters, A is Ah (ah in Bah), I is Ee (ee in meet), U is Ooh like (like moo), E is Eh (like meh), O is O (like Ou in Cough or O in Or). Readin them out loud, KA is KAH, KI is actually KEE, KU is actually KOO, KE is KEH, and KO is KO. Here are the groups split upA あ, I い, U う, E え, O おKA か、KI き, KU く, KE け, KO こ SA さ, SHI し, SU す, SE せ, SO そ TA た, CHI ち, TSU つ, TE て, TO と NA な, NI に, NU ぬ, NE ね, NO の HA は, HI ひ, HU ふ, HE へ, HO ほ MA ま, MI み, MU む, ME め, MO も YA や, YU ゆ, YO よ RA ら, RI り, RU る, RE れ, RO ろ WA わ, WO を, N ん Practice memorising the groups, try to repeat the sounds without looking at the chart above. |
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