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Learn Japanese exercises - Beginner vowel exercises - Exercise 1

Welcome to our sections on our online exercises beginner_Exercise_1, here you are able to help learn and improve your Japanese by participating in our question and answer section.
You can find in our questions the question written in Japanese and you can also see it in Japanlish as well as the English translation.
Once you think you know what the answer is you can check out the answers in the side column containing the Korean translations as well as the Japanlish and English.
Question Answer
Look at the following Korean Vowels, which is the one that is pronouced differently from the others
괘 | 괴 | 궈

Which of the following korean vowels are not considered bright vowels.
ㅏ, ㅙ, ㅝ, ㅗ, ㅐ, ㅒ

Which of the following korean vowels are not considered dark vowels.
ㅜ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅓ, ㅖ, ㅘ

Which of the following Korean words are borrowed from the English equivalent ones, try and match the korean words from their translations.
1 - 바스
2 - 커비
3 - 코트
4 - 재즈
5 - 카머라

1 - bus, 2 - coffee, 3 - coat, 4 - jazz, 5 - camera

Which of the following country names can you translate from Hangul. Try and guess the English names for each country.
1 - 브라질
2 - 스배인
3 - 노르웨이
4 - 잉글란드
5 - 멕시코

1 - brazil, 2 - spain, 3 - norway, 4 - england, 5 - mexico

If you want to try other learn Japanese questions and answers, then have a look at one of the exercise links below:-